
ATK Holdings Group Co., Ltd.

 ATK is an environment company comprising of investment, R&D, manufacturing, construction and operation in one group of companies.ATK is the only company in Wuxi city region that successfully received two awards of “Thousand Person Plan”and “Jiangsu province Innovative Individual Program & Jiangsu Enterprise Doctorate Plan" in having high-tech talent enterprises. ATK has several constituent companies: Jiangsu ATK Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd, Jiangsu ATK Environmental Engineering Design&Research Institute Ltd, ATK Environmental New Material(Japan)Research Institute, Wuxi Idem Precision Machinery Co., Ltd, Jiangsu ATK Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd, Jiangsu ATK Flame Retardant Materials Co., Ltd, Alar ATK Water Co.,Ltd,Wugang ATK Water Co.,Ltd ,Qindao Sinochem Environmental Science and Technology Co.,Ltd,Jin City Ningneng Waste Disposal Co.,Ltd . The main business is the production and sales of environmental water treatment equipments, ecological materials (environmental purification materials / substitute materials / repair materials), and the construction and operation of EP, EPC and BOT projects for municipal wastewater projects.ATK possesses Grade A Qualification of Environmental Pollution Control Facilities, The First Class Qualification of Environmental Protection Engineering, Special Design Class B Qualification for Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Installation Professional Contract Class Two Qualification, The Third Class Qualification of General-Contracting for Municipal Public Works, People's Republic of China Foreign Contracting Project Qualification of the Ministry of Commerce, etc. ATK has also passed Quality Certification of China Classification Society, ISO9001︰2008 Quality Certification, ISO14001︰2004 Environmental Management System Certification, Certification of Occupational Health and Safety Management System, etc.The group also gains lots of honors such as "China Environmental Engineering 50 Strong Enterprises", "Chinese Private Science and Technology Enterprise", "Chinese Outstanding Private Enterprises", “National Torch High Technology Industry Backbone Enterprise", "Jiangsu Provincial Environmental Protection Industry Backbone Enterprises", "High-tech Enterprise", "National Torch Plan Key High Tech Enterprise of Jiangsu Province, “the Innovative Enterprise ",      "Jiangsu Province Outstanding Enterprise Intellectual Property Management Standardization Demonstration Advanced Unit ". ATK has sucessfully realized the strategic policy of paying equal attention to social benefits and self-development.ATK responds positively to the strategic plan of developing enterprises through science and technology and built research team with strong R&D capability. The group has an area of over 6000 m2 of R&D building and well-equipped infrastructure. By the relevant government departments have been identified as "Jiangsu province postdoctoral innovation base, Jiangsu province enterprise graduate workstation", "Jiangsu province key enterprises and research institutions", "Jiangsu province suspended material engineering technology research center", "Jiangsu province environmental protection heavy metal waste water treatment and Resource Engineering Technology Center, Wuxi city suspended filter material engineering technology research center", "enterprise technology center in Wuxi".ATK has undertaken 28 national and provincial scientific research projects including“863” major science and technology projects, “11th Five-Year” science and technology support program, “12th Five-Year” science and technology support program (in research 4) and NEDO major international cooperation projects, international cooperation projects, national torch plan. To complete the identification of scientific and technological achievements 5 applications of International and 2 invention patents, 46 national invention patents, 44 utility model patents and published more than 30 papers.ATK persists in its enterprise concept “innovation makes the distance, science&technology in the future”, adheres to its development goals” promote environment and return back to nature”.The group also bulid its enterprise spirit as“progressive, situation-size up, broad view, sincere behaviour” which constantly brings into full play of creative inspiration and service spirit of all staff.

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