
Company was founded in 1984

After continuous innovation and hard work

Now has many subsidiaries

Large international companies with a reputation𒁃 in the industry

Zhejiang Jingxing Paper Co., Ltd. is located in the center of the Hangjiahu Plain in the Yangtze River Delta, close to Shanghai, with excellent geographical conditions and convenient transportation.On September 15, 2006, Jingxing Paper (stock code: 002067) was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The company's registered capital is 119,392 million yuan.

Products & Services


Kraft Liner Board

Jing Xing Paper is national scale... MORE
Kraft Liner Board

White top linerboard

The White Top Linerboard is Jing ... MORE
White top linerboard

Bobbin base paper

Yarn tube original paper do for J... MORE
Bobbin base paper

High strength corrugated base paper

The high strength corrugated base... MORE
High strength corrugated base paper

Other Special Paper

... MORE
Other Special Paper

Corrugated cardboard,paper box

Jing Xing paper is north Zhejiang... MORE
Corrugated cardboard,paper box
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