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Bobbin base paper

Bobbin base paper

Yarn tube original paper do for JingXing Paper special products one of, to meet industries of needs, company in reference foreign help and itself of capacity Xia development has different grade yarn tube paper, and adhering to "courageously struggle, and defying hard" of spirit principles, tightly caught development opportunities, expanded enterprise scale, in original of production equipment Shang constantly improved technology, formed has 100,000 tons of years production capacity, its quantitative main has 300g/m2, and 360g/m2, and 420/m2, and 500g/m2,.

JingXing paper production paper bobbins, is widely used in paper-making industry in paper, textile, chemical fiber tube paper tubes for bobbins, plastic film, paper angle, etc. The product quality is stable, ring compressive strength and performance have reached the advanced level and identified by the professional testing organization by CTI environmental inspection, and obtain authority wantai authentication company ISO9001 and ISO14001 quality system certification, which are mainly exported to regions such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.
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