
Jingxing Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad

Jingxing Holdings (Malaysia) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jingxing Paper Co., Ltd. established in Selangor, Malaysia. This project is a new pulp and paper manufacturing base established in Malaysia by Jingxing Paper in response to the national “One Belt, One Road” strategic policy and in response to the local government's industrial structure adjustment strategy. .

The project plans to produce 1.4 million tons of pulp and paper annually with a total investment of about 300 million US dollars. The world's most advanced manufacturing equipment and technology will be selected, and the most advanced management concepts will be used to meet customer needs to the greatest extent. At present, the progress of the project is in line with expectations, and a series of work such as preliminary site selection, approval, and planning have been completed.
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